Dosh teachers cadets introduce into the educational process the methods of both traditional and newest: didactic doll, doll as a person, speech therapy doll. What are these toys? What are similar and different? Why invite them to visit preschoolers? What is their importance for the development of children? Theatrical activities, what is the impact of theater on the emotional and intellectual world of a child?

Participants of master-classes on topics: New possibilities of using a doll in an inclusive environment were asked and answered by Oksana Selepiy, Tatiana Danov, teachers of specialty disciplines “Preschool education” and “Theatrical pedagogy in inclusive teaching, Inclusive teaching. Nikorak, teacher Ivano-Frankivsk College

The event is organized by the teachers of the cycle commission of the specialty “Preschool education” on November 21, 2019. College students, teachers and representatives of the pre-school education institutions of Ivano-Frankivsk were invited to participate in this issue.

Each of the educators presented a new relevant topic of the master class, created specifically for the regional training on inclusive training “Practices of Inclusion: Experience of Ukrainian-American Cooperation”. Therefore, participants in interesting forms of work were able to get information and to be the first to put ideas into practice.

The participants got acquainted with:

  • the variety and method of using doll toys;
  • with the view that theater is of great importance for children with special educational needs.

Participants received: Lifehacks (small educational tricks)

  • on the introduction of the doll-as-a-person technique, which will provide a person-centered strategy and an individually differentiated approach to each pupil.
  • tools to tailor learning approaches to their characteristics and a versatile platform to remove many barriers.

The participants tried:

  • myself in the use of speech therapy doll for correctional development work.
  • they have created a lively inclusive model in which those who participate in it will perceive the otherness of partners without focusing on it.

The participants deepened their knowledge about:

  • what role does a toy play in a child’s life (by the traditional method of using a didactic doll).
  • that integrating individuals with modeled special educational needs into mini-groups will encourage participants to leave the pedagogical comfort zone and acquire new unfamiliar techniques for them.

And after the completion of the planned forms of work was a reflection:

  • creation of an angel doll figurine; and a photo session near a simulated map of the Doll Bingo
  • production of shadow theater by mini-groups of participants.


Впевнені, що оволодіння допоміжними навчальними стратегіями, які викристалізувалися у ході практичної театральної та ігрової діяльності, безумовно сприятиме підвищенню фахового рівня всіх учасників майстер-класу.