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Teacher of English language and literature,
Without borders: Sustaining and Supporting Inclusive Education Community – Project director |
Upcoming book! We are happy to announce that this spring the collective monograph will be published.
More info – The Space of Inclusive Education – Voices from Ukraine and Beyond | Brill
Professional info
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6707-0052
Scopus Author ID: 57552190000
Web of Science ResearcherID: ACF-8492-2022
Uppcoming book The Space of Inclusive Education – Voices from Ukraine and Beyond | Brill
Sergiy Sydoriv obtained a degree in English and literature from Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian University in 2000 qualifying as a philologist, a teacher of the English Language and Literature. He was instructed in King Street College (London) for University of Cambridge ESOL examinations (Grade A in the Certificate in Advanced English, 2003), Diploma in English as a Foreign Language (Proficiency level, 2004) and completed a course in Computer Systems Management in London School of English and Computing.
He teaches in Precarpathian national university, first at Department of Philology and Methods of Elementary Education, since 2013 in Ivano-Frankivsk college.
Key responsibilities and interests:
Developing curriculum and teaching university subjects: Theoretical course of English, Practical course of English, Methods of Teaching English, English literature, Children’s literature, Country Studies, English for Professional Purpose. Mentoring a group of students;
Organizing various educational events: conferences, seminars and workshops, summer schools, children camps, excursions, talks, fundraising, charitable visits to orphanages (including those devoted to the human rights and development of civil society in Ukraine);
Research in pedagogical innovations, Inclusive Education, Protection of Children, Gender studies, P2P education, ICT in education, critical thinking development, instructional strategies and methods of teaching English in inclusive settings.
Administration of a research group of gifted students Pysa4ka– a territory for students’ creativity and learning.
Management of online communities English Visuals, English bala4ka, Педагогічна практика with English, Inclusion without Borders, Without borders: розвиток та підтримка інклюзивної освітньої спільноти.
The range of research interests is related to inclusive education, gender education in Ukrainian school, educational innovation and ICT, educational and cultural aspects of distance learning, personal development of students, impact of military conflicts on education.
He participated in USAID and AED funded programs aimed at prevention of trafficking in people (project preparation, proposal submission, translating, fundraising, conducted workshops on gender equality, human rights, international legislation (in English and Ukrainian), monitored and supervised other training sessions, interpreted for AED, took part in organization and realization of mass actions Youth for the Future – Equal Rights and Opportunities.

Since 2007 he has been a head of the network Young Men against Violence. Key duties: network program development, conducting men-only and mixed-group workshops, projects writing, establishing and maintaining links with partner organizations, analytical activity, project outcomes presentations, expanding the activity, experience and “best practices” sharing.

Forum theatre presentations in the IOM conference Youth against Human Trafficking (Kyiv, 2009). Participation in the international conference Protecting Children and Young People against Sexual Violence with a Focus on New Media. Perspectives for Europe (Berlin, 2009). Translation and support for young participants. Film production.
Project Say No to Trafficking in Children. Development and testing of a peer to peer training program regionally. Coordination of awareness-raising actions and gender theatre presentations, PR coordination.
Chaperoning and interpreting for youth from Ukraine (SEO members) at Europe and Central Asia regional preparatory forum in Düsseldorf (2008) and World Congress III against Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents in Rio de Janeiro ( 2008).
Participation in a range of workshops within CITAS framework on immigration, child protection, welfare benefits (London, 2003-2005), USAID and AED funded summer schools-2001, 2002, 2003 on prevention of violence and trafficking in people.

Funded by U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and administered by the University of Minnesota and Arizona State University in collaboration with international partners including Nazarbayev University & Bilim Central Asia Education Center (Kazakhstan); Armenian State Pedagogical University (Armenia); National Precarpathian University and the Odessa Development Fund (Ukraine); the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (India) to enhance the skills of international educators to work in inclusive settings and build partnerships with colleagues from the U.S. and internationally. Participation in a six-week intensive fellowship program enabled to share experience on inclusion in a wide variety of organizations that support the educational inclusion of persons with disabilities (Woodland Elementary, Palmer Lake Elementary, Elm Creek Elementary, Osseo Middle School, Maple Grove Middle School, St Antony Middle and High, Park Center Senior High, Edina High School, Community Based Vocational Assessment & Training Center, Educational Service Center (District 279), Special Education Advisory Council, University of Minnesota, Institute on Community Integration, Metropolitan State University).
Sergiy Sydoriv is a co-founder and director of international cooperation project Without borders: Sustaining and Supporting Inclusive Education Community supported by the Public Affairs Section of the U.S. Embassy
e-mail: serhii.sydoriv@pnu.edu.ua
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